Monday, March 10, 2014

We Made It Home!

It is fun to go but always great to be home and see our families We got home Monday the 10th around 4:30 or 5 o'clock! It was a good ride home! It was cold this morning but warmed up nicely in the afternoon! We clocked about 2300 miles round-trip (giver take a few miles!) We were tired but will be well rested by the next trip! So thankful for a safe journey!

Beach Time

On Friday we stopped by the beach just to say that we had been! Philip is adequately attired for the trip that day! It was cold!

Custom Bikes

Every bike rally that we attend has as a part of it's display custom bikes! It is amazing the talent that exist for those who redesign and rebuild unique bikes! This is always one of the highlights of the trip! ROM

Geico Armed Forces Tribute

This was a bike sponsored and designed by Geico for a tribute to the armed services! I have seen this bike on several occasions and it is really a piece of art! ROM

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday am

The official start of bike week, opening of the HOG, harley owners group, tent and the Harley Davidson tents. The sun is finally shining and it's going to be a great day to ride. Gms 

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Daytona brach

Couldn't. be in Daytona without a stop at the beach. The Atlantic was really angry, 6 & 7 foot waves and 30 mph winds and temps in 40s. GMS

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This is at the International Speedway

One of the several avenues just outside the track. Friday afternoon and still cold and cloudy. Gms

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Concessions everywhere

Downtown, speedway, shops and parks, just some of the places we find every type of vender you can imagine. Gms 

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Main Street Daytona

The official start of bike week, opening of the HOG, harley owners group, tent and the Harley Davidson tents. The sun is finally shining and it's going to be a great day to ride. Gms 

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What a vehicle.

Is it car? Is it a cycle.? What a cool ride. This was at the Harvey Davidson site in Daytona. GMS 
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Bruce Rossmeyer's Harley Dealership

This is the largest Harley dealership in the world! It was massive with more bikes and merchandise than u can imagine! Fun place to visit! Crowded as were most places we visited! Bike Week brings in over 72 million dollars in 10 days to this one county! The Daytona 500 only around 32 million! Figures do not reflect impact on surrounding counties. ROM

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Rest Stop Somewhere In Florida

Today was not as cold as yesterday, but wetter! We rode in some rain most of the day! However it did not dampen our spirits! We always find something funny about our circumstances! We only really got lost one time and Phillip blamed it on the GPS! Anytime we get lost and he is leading, he blames it on the GPS. We were a little late getting into Flagler Beach but no one really cared! ROM

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Shrimpers delight. Nothing like fresh seafood. 

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Mobile AL and Dinner

After 10 1/2 hours on the road we made it to Mobile! We did not freeze to death, but close! The sun finally came out in Vicksburg Mississippi and things got much better! We are actually at the Oyster House on the causeway in Mobile having dinner and beginning to think about trying to find a place to stay tonight! Fun ride! ROM

Lunch time and blog entry.

Cold starting out. In the 50s here in Vicksburg. 

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The Ride is On

We left for Daytona at 8:20 am and it was 27 degrees with a hint of slight sleet. Warmer as we got to Vicksburg, MS. ROM